One of the many things that Brian did for me for Mother’s Day was he entered a contest put on by Becky Abernathy, our photographer. She asked everyone to post on her blog “about how your wife that makes her the best mom ever”...and yes, he WON!!!! I thought I would share what he wrote because it touched my heart...
Heather has always been a caring woman, as evidenced by her love for her job working with children with special needs. But it wasn't until we had our beautiful son, Jack, with his own set of special needs, that I was able to witness up close my wife's unending love for children, and particularly for Jack. During Heather's pregnancy and even when Jack was born, we had no reason to suspect that Jack suffered from any complications. However, not long after his birth we learned that, while he is a perfect little boy, he carries with him an imperfect heart. During this difficult time, Heather was a rock for me, exemplifying leadership in the household that I can only hope to one day repay. I love my wife for everything that she is... beautiful, caring, loving, patient, and strong. Happy Mother's Day!
The first Mother’s Day for me was awesome!! I loved hanging out with Brian and Jack. I am truly very blessed!!
We had a check-up at the cardiologist that could not have gone any better. This is the first check-up since Jack’s heart cath, and since he has really been moving. He is crawling everywhere (including up the stairs), pulling to stand, trying to stand not holding on, and cruising. I was very interested to see if Jack’s heart was showing any deterioration due to his increase in activity. Dr. Pearce was totally surprised to see no change in Jack’s scans and sats!! YEA!!! What a praise and answer to prayer!!! Dr. Pearce said that sometimes you can begin to see leaks from the tricuspid valve and pulmonary artery enlargement...Jack showed no signs of either. Dr. Pearce could not express how pleased he was in Jack’s growth and his lack of signs of any heart failure. This is almost unheard of in someone with Jack’s condition. We don’t have to go back for a scheduled cardiology appointment for 6 months!!! That is the longest that Jack has every gone without seeing any heart doctors!!!
Brian and I are so blessed by Jack’s health!!! Not a day goes by that I do not Thank God for the blessing He has given us!! Not a day goes by that I praise the fact that we are not in a hospital and Jack does not have any scars from surgery! I do know that one day the news is not going to be so good...but I will worry about that day when that day arrives. Today, I am just so blessed to have one of the healthiest heart babies around!!!
Jack had a great Easter!! He got all dressed up, thanks to Grandman and Gramma and we went to Easter service at Dawson Baptist church with my sister, brother-in-law and his parents. Jack did great at first in the service but started talking, so I took him out in the hall. While in the hall, the director of the children’s fellowship came up to me to see if Jack wanted to go to the nursery. I guess the look on my face answered the question before I could get the words out. I expressed my concerns and touched on his heart...She talked to me about there nursery program for a little bit and said that I could stay with him for awhile if I wanted. (Not wanting to look to bad) I went to the nursery class to check it out. There were only 2 other babies, and one of the three nursery workers that Sunday was a nurse. We got to talking and she was very familiar with Jack condition and promised me that she would make sure to only give him toys that had been cleaned. Reluctantly, I got my pager and left him in the nursery for the remainder of church. I did not hear anything for that 20 minutes...I just kept waiting for church to be over so I could go get him. I even left while everyone was singing to get him. The nursery workers said he had a blast!!!
After church we went over to Brian’s mom house to visit and let them see how cute Jack looked.
Before Jack was born we found Becky Abernathy, an amazing photographer in Birmingham. We decided on a package called “Watch Me Grow” where Becky comes out and takes pictures three times throughout Jack’s first year. We did the first session about 7 weeks old, and have just done our second session. We will do the last session sometime this summer after Jack is walking. She has provided me with some pics and I just have to share...brag...because Jack is the cutest kiddo ever!!!
All of these pictures where taken at our house:
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Mended Little Hearts, a national organization, is a new support program for parents of children with heart defects and heart disease, is dedicated to inspiring hope in those who care for the littlest heart patients of all. Mended Little Hearts offers resources and a caring support network as families find answers and move forward to find healing and hope. Birmingham just got a chapter and they had there first meeting last week. Brian and I went to it. It was great to see the support of the families here in Birmingham. About 6 families showed up. We sat is a circle and shared our stories and discussed future outings and fund raising. Once again I was humbled by all the other families. Jack is the only child that has not experienced open heart surgery of some kind. That did not stop me from being the only person to cry during the meeting. I am just touched by all the things that these (and our child) children have to go through. No one, especially a child, should have to go through the day to day struggle that every “heart” baby has to go through. I also cried for all the kiddos I see at work on a daily basis...To watch the families live out a life they have never dreamed of just hits so close to home. I wish I could just blink and make it all go away!! I am so thankful for the support I have from new “heart” moms and especially the moms of the children I serve.
Here are just a few pictures that where taken from Tori. She was amazing and we had such a great time with her. We can’t wait to use her again!!! We even got a great picture of Jack and Anna together.
Our family went to the beach, Sullivan’s Island, with some of our friends in March. We had three couples, two with kiddos, and a great friend all there together. We had a blast!! Jack and I flew with Karen and Anna, while our hubbies drove all of our stuff. I was very impressed how well Jack flew on the plane, especially when we went to doctor the day after we got back and he had a double ear infection and pneumonia...you would have never known it.
While we where at the beach, Karen found an amazing photographer, Tori Ryan, and we had some photos taken of Jack on the beach. Karen was getting Anna’s three year old pictures taken while at Sully’s. Tori was so great with the kids and took some awesome shoots. I can’t wait to share them with everyone...they will be up soon.
All in all the trip was great...besides Jack being sick. I don’t know if we scared our friends who don’t have children to have them or to stay away... :)
Here are some pics that we took...
Lighthouse at sunset on Sullivan’s Island:
Lighthouse after sunrise on Sullivan’s Island:
both are so pretty and makes you never want to leave the island!!!
Jen holding Jack.
Jack excited about the remote...
Jack trying to get Palmer’s face...
And we did not even get a group shot of everyone. Why do the pictures change when kids are around?